Everything that time brings, time takes away.
Every toy from your early years is decomposing under the next generation's playground.
Every memory of your first year in school is slowly lost so the brain-links can be reused.
Every car rusts, molds, flats, sheds, blows a fuse, and overheats, until it's finally scrapped.
Every friendship sparks, grows, wanes, and smolders for a time before the energy depletes.
Every bone and muscle follow a clock and as time brought them to their full use, time will maim them.
Classes. Houses. Shoes. Kids. Jobs. Feelings. Thoughts. Handshakes. Vacations. Songs.
One, then another, and another, until one day you sit, grayed, thoughts stolen by the various pains and strains you feel. Then what? The cycles over. Will you remember all that came before? Will you remember all the warmth and cold brought with each revolution of time? And we all know how some cycles straight up end and hurt, while some are just transition to other cycles.
Will you cheerish them all, or only what small things you have left? Dinner. A phone call from a friend. The view out the window. Memories are really the only thing you have left at that point. Not that first car you owned when you where 16. Not that first shiny pair of kicks, computer, or first crush. And when you go, time will have recalled everything it sent to your address.
One thing's for sure.
Live for the moment, but don't fear the moments passing. Let it go, it'll come back again. A different name, a different face, a different feeling. But it's all a network of cycles and
"It went by like dusk to dawn."
But a soul is everlasting.