
Of Grandes

WHA-POW! *Three knuckle punch to the face* So I drank a Grande a few hours ago and I think it got stuck inside me someplace. But that's ok! This post is going to be different from my other because I think it's actually what your supposed to use this cyber-site for. Personal updates. Any-hoot, here's the low down.
Had a phone interview with Amazon.com today and came away from it muttering: "Fail." and I was down for a bit feeling like I knew nothing for all my education and that I'd been out of the game for awhile. Yet, have no fear! Because then I thought, "Wait, you don't even want a job, so use your time foo'!" So then what did I do? I went to Barnes N(and?, 'n'?, 'N?, an'?) Nobles. And drank a while chocolate mocha over The Ultimate Proof of Creation and Stones Into Schools for an hour or two. Then came home thinking, "Rise and rise again!" So I devised a plan for doctors to fight this whole healthcare mess, got my dad to agree to talk his doctor about what we can do about it, and emailed two different pastors on how to carry out my near-future goals:
- Be a camp counselor at Camp Hope (both Jr and Teen sessions).
- Pass out copies of Ultimate Questions to my community.
Not to mention I want to:
- Take another mission trip to Lakeshore.
- Take a trip to Mexico or Haiti.
- Help out with my churches booth at the summer/spring fairs.
And I wished I'd:
- Became a doctor instead (had I only know the present was the past's future!) Or,
- Went into politics.
- Done internships...
But I feel 21 (and have since school ended). I have a perfect job that let's me be as flexible as I want (Helly Hansen- God bless them) and I want to do almost everything! I want to be the Greg Mortenson of Mexico, Haiti, or, heck- anywhere! Loose me! I want to make change and the- *passes out*


Of Writing Wants

I want to write.
Though I don't know what about.
One book said to take the ordinary things in your life and weave them into something extraordinary.
But with such an ordinary, typical life, what makes any of this so extraordinary?- or is that the catch?
One paragraph said you should usually write about things outside yourself.
But aren't you always going to be better to write things about yourself, seeing as you are you?
The things you know best are going to be the things you can most accurately describe to your readers, yes?
The soldier writes about the war- outside and inside of himself.
The reporter writes about the battle and reads the story aloud around the dinner table.
The general writes about the death toll and how to improve casualty model.
The civilian writes about the violence- in his community and in his kids.
The politician writes about the success- claiming the good; blaming the bad; embodying the ugly.
But what can I write about?
Well, I know myself very well, I guess.
I know the emotions I feel- love, frustration, loneliness, joy- are all just emotions, but true ones at that.
I know the struggles I have between letting go and holding on, just to list one of the hundreds.
I know about my love of creativity and the outlets so brilliantly designed for me to let them out of my head (and why i believe it was designed in the first place).
I guess don't really know much about politics, social changes, world poverty, or war- and I wish I did.
But I have this blog, and I know I want to write- so I do, and just did.